
with a Twist

G2040 Scout
a Geek's Obsession

My story

Galaga, the seminal front-scrolling shooter that seemed to be everywhere from Pizza Hut to the local movie theater in the 80’s, is one of the most beloved arcade games of all times. I still can hum the complete intro sequence in perfect pitch. I can see my ships exploding, sometimes two of them, tethered together. I can still hear those explosions. Galaga was especially beautiful in its simplicity. As the fighter, you could only traverse the x, not the y.

Captain Yeager - USSF Retired

The Art

All fan art starts as ink and pencil sketches, scanned, lovingly converted to resolution-free vector art. Formal process videos are on the way.


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Galaga 44 Recruiting Poster Comp 23-1

Perfect balance of geek and artist.

Ned Clarke - Astrophysicicst